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EMD in a Trump 2.0 World
Donald Trump’s and the Republican party’s sweeping victories in November signal a strong mandate for meaningful change that will influence the global economy and geopolitics for 2025 and beyond. While exact details of Trump’s policies remain unknown, the former president has made the direction of political change clear in several key areas:
As always, country fundamentals remain our primary focus:
Tariffs: Trump’s planned tariffs targeting China could trigger a significant growth shock in the country, with mixed effects on other Asian economies linked through trade. Countries receiving substantial Chinese FDI, such as Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Japan, and South Korea, may also face direct tariffs under Trump 2.0.
Currency Dynamics: Potential for CNH weakness in order to maintain competitiveness, which could ripple through regional currencies, including the Japanese Yen and Korean Won.
Re-shoring Opportunities: Southeast Asian nations like Vietnam, Malaysia, and Thailand may attract FDI from re-shoring, boosting long-term growth, though short-term impacts are limited.
US Aid & Collaboration: Trump 2.0 is expected to bolster financial and military support for key allies while reducing aid or disengaging from nations with divergent policies. Trump will want to trade increased financial & military transactions for quiet in the region.
Geopolitical relations will be the main area impacted by a Trump administration in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries.
Ukraine: Trump aims to end the Russia-Ukraine war, though his methods remain vague. While unlikely, US support for Ukraine could wane. Trump is expected to prioritize U.S. interests, potentially shifting more of the burden to Western Europe.
Hungary: PM Orban boasts strong ties with Trump, who has praised him in return. However, Orban’s relationships with China and Russia may complicate US-Hungary dynamics under the new administration.
Some may think Africa will be relegated to an afterthought for the incoming US administration, but we should note that some helpful policy came from the previous Trump years. The transformation of OPIC to DFC precipitated an increased funding envelope for African countries, and while free trade agreements aren’t generally viewed as a signature Trump initiative, the previous administration started work on an FTA with Kenya. That said, with geopolitical lines expected to be drawn more starkly, individual countries may soon be asked to choose sides between the US and China, at risk of ire from DC.
Oil Production – Potential Strain on Major Producers: If Trump boosts US oil productions, it could strain the fiscal and external balances of major producers in the region, including Gabon, Ghana, Senegal, Nigeria and Angola.
The timing and scope of these policy shifts remain uncertain, and this ambiguity is likely to persist. However, such uncertainty within the asset class can also create investment opportunities. We will continue to closely track these developments as they evolve, assessing their impact on the emerging markets debt space.
For more detail, please reach out to your Artisan representative for a copy of our December 2024 Year-End Deck: Into the Great Unknown
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